English to French Translation of Diseases Descriptions and Classifications

Client: ATIH –Agence technique de l’information sur l’hospitalisation (Hospital Information Technology Agency)– in France.

Industry:  Medical.

Needs: Medical translation of disease diagnosis labels, as well as diseases descriptions and classifications associated to labels, in order for French hospitals to use the latest revision of the International Classification of Diseases by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Volume: A total of 810.255 words divided into thirty chapters in Excel spreadsheets, firstly 156.028 words during the first stage of 5 weeks, then 654.227 words during 3 months. A strict implementation table was made by the client, with bi-monthly deliveries.

Our Solutions : A dedicated ATIH project manager organized the whole project using the client portal. The translation of the technical content of this international reference standard for health data required mandatorily the expertise of medical translation linguists. Thus Cultures Connection’s vendor manager followed international quality standards to select twelve professional translators who specialize in the medical field. Such professional translators get ongoing and vocational trainings based on the updating of medical knowledge in line with medical progress.

The translation project consisted of two stages that supplemented each other, that is a first stage of translation of codes (labels) followed by a stage of translation of diseases descriptions and classifications. During each stage, one team of translators was tasked to translate and one team of translators was tasked to revise translations as translators were progressing. The third step involved quality control in order to make sure that the client’s instructions had been followed flawlessly, i.e. formatting, glossary, codes details.

The project manager passed on the new information or comments coming from the client to translators and revisers along the weeks. She also shared with the client questions or observations coming from translators throughout the project. Moreover meetings took place with Cultures Connection and the ATIH so as to launch each stage as well as review how the project was progressing.

Our translation company also created a glossary that was provided to the client at the end of the project.

Our mission, that was to translate the content of the ICD-11 perfectly, proved a crucial stake for numerous operators in the French health industry. The ATIH was fully satisfied with the translation service that our company provided.

Learn more about our medical translation services.

Source language: English
Target language: French
Field: Medical
Cultures Connection

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